frequency booster for TV stations
Aerial cables have been around for years and step by step become an old innovation. New
digital HDTV antennas along with the booster will allow you to watch your favorite cable
TV programs without paying for an advanced cable subscription.
TV Antenna Booster will give you access to advanced clear TV programming for both
simple and simple HD TVs, and you will get almost all signals inside devices. A radius of
100 miles. In this regard, the 2SC1324 transistor serves to amplify the input signal.
Whereas, other separate electronic components such as an array of resistors and capacitors
are used here in addition to a transistor.
Hardware components required quantitative value components
1 2SC1324 transistor 2
2 resistor 75Ω 2
3 680Ω resistor 1
4 resistor 820Ω 1
5 resistor 100Ω 1
6 capacitor 2.2nF 2
7 12 volt battery 1
Circuit diagram
Running circuit
This is a diagram of a digital TV signal booster amplifier circuit that can be used to amplify
or enhance the satellite TV frame signal. Take advantage of 75 ohms of coaxial cable at the
in and out of the circuit and fit the circuit into a metal case. The transmission speed of the
circuit is up to 150MHz. Transistor Q1 is used to amplify the signal and Q2 fills as an
emitter relay. The circuit will give an addition of 20dB or more. Current use of the circuit is
only 20mA.
Speaker & Speaker Signal Booster helps your HDTV radio cord or standard TV antennas
get so many channels that are hard to reach or see in one way or another. Take out the cable
and related membership expenses to appreciate clear reception and more TV openings in the
comfort of your home lounge, business office or business office meeting room. The antenna
amplifier boosts the TV signal. Get this signal booster to help understand your signal
AM Radio